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Southwest Counseling Service
2300 Foothill Boulevard, Rock Springs WY, 82901
Southwest Counseling Service (Rock Springs) located at 2300 Foothill Boulevard, Rock Springs, WY 82901, United States is a drug rehab facility providing substance abuse treatment, detoxification, a halfway house or sober living home, and buprenorphine used in drug treatment with outpatient care, res
Southwest Counseling
158 Washakie Drive, Rock Springs WY, 82901
Southwest Counseling in Rock Springs, WY is a Substance Abuse Treatment Services. Southwest Counseling provides Substance abuse treatment, Detoxification, Transitional housing or halfway house, Buprenorphine used in treatment in Short-term residential, Long-term residential settings. Persons with
Southwest Counseling
2061 Century Boulevard, Rock Springs WY, 82901
In Rock Springs, WY, Southwest Counseling provides Short-term residential, Long-term residential programs with Spanish. Fundamentally focusing on Substance Abuse Treatment Services, they treat patients who need Substance abuse treatment, Detoxification, Transitional housing or halfway house, Bupren
Southwest Counseling
2300 Foothill Boulevard, Rock Springs WY, 82901
Southwest Counseling in Rock Springs, WY is a substance abuse treatment center with a focus on Substance Abuse Treatment Services. Provided in a Outpatient setting, services at Southwest Counseling include Substance abuse treatment, Detoxification, Transitional housing or halfway house, Buprenorp